On mentoring.

It is very easy to become overwhelmed by information, expectations and the life circumstances we find ourselves in. Asking for help can be highly anxiety inducing. Going to a support group, a teacher, or a boss for help can feel completely daunting and out of the question. I like the concept of mentoring as it’s more of a personal support than anything generic. It allows for a mentee to be an individual, to ‘drop the mask’, and know that someone is on YOUR side. A mentor will aim to understand how you see the world, from your point of view, learning your characteristics, habits, wishes, and goals. Sometimes, this bit of extra understanding helps us feel more confident to do difficult things.

The effects of developing a mentoring type relationship has been shown to build self-esteem, confidence and feelings of self acceptance. Over time, this can lead to you making steps towards creating the life you want.

Mentoring can be a lifeline for social connection, without the demands of normal social expectations. A mentor will not judge or criticise your choices or preferences. Feeling isolated can put us in a vicious cycle of poor mental health, anxiety, depression and then less likely to feel able to ask for help. Knowing that someone understands your challenges and the compromises you might make, can help to stop that vicious cycle.

What’s more! Remote mentoring can give you a ‘safe virtual space’ with as few external anxiety triggers as possible, without the worries of face-to-face expectations.


On Dr Luke Beardon


On walking.