What mentoring IS.

It is about you finding what’s right for you, self-acceptance and self-empowerment.

Mentoring is a confidential and supportive connection with a person whose priority is your mental health and wellbeing.

My mentoring approach is mentee-centred. This means we ‘go at your pace’, supporting you to make changes in your life that benefit you.

What mentoring is NOT.

Mentoring is not judgemental. It’s not about telling you that your feelings or actions are right or wrong.

It is not about me giving you advice. You are the expert on you!

It is not about asking you to do or say anything that you’re not happy with.

It is not therapy. It’s not about analysing your deepest secrets.

What happens in a session?

The mentoring session will start by getting to know each other. We’ll talk about what’s happening in your life currently, what you are happy with and what you would like to change. I usually like to hear about your interests, likes and dislikes, as that helps me to get to know you.

Throughout the session we will explore what you’d like from the mentoring process. You might not know at first. The structure of a weekly mental health ‘catch-up’ to discuss healthy goals, sleep, food, and exercise habits.

Mentoring works well if we have regular sessions. That gives us time to explore if there are adjustments you could make in your life that would lead to better well-being and mental health.